This set provides you with a sense of direcon and movaon, urging you to take the inial steps towards your desired future or goals. They establish a foundaon for success and assist in laying the necessary building blocks. They address the fundamental queson of “WHY” and provide a compelling reason for pursuing your endeavors, whatever they may be.
Vision refers to a mental image or concept of what the future could or should be. It is the ability to imagine and visualize a desired outcome or state of affairs. Vision goes beyond mere observation or perception; it involves the ability to see possibilities, set goals, and formulate a clear direction.
Discipline is the practice of self-control, orderliness, and adherence to a set of rules, principles, or standards. It involves the ability to regulate one’s behavior, thoughts, and actions in pursuit of specific goals or desired outcomes (Vision).
Courage is the quality or mindset that enables individuals to face and overcome fear, adversity, or challenges. It involves taking care and standing up for what one believes in, even in the face of uncertainty, risk, or potential negative outcomes
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